dml error logging performance in 10g release 2
This article is a follow-up to this overview of DML error logging; a major new feature of 10g Release 2 (10.2). DML error logging enables us to re-direct "bad data" to a log table during bulk DML operations without failing the overall statement. Readers who are unfamiliar with this new feature are advised to read the referenced article for an overview before continuing.
In this article, we will concentrate purely on the performance characteristics of DML error logging. In particular, we will examine the following:
- the general performance cost of invoking DML error logging;
- the cost of logging errors with the DML error logging feature; and
- the performance of DML error logging in comparison with its nearest related technology; FORALL SAVE EXCEPTIONS.
invoking dml error logging
We will begin by looking at the general costs associated with invoking DML error logging. Of course, costs are relative and it depends how we measure them; or rather, what we measure them against. We might decide that we absolutely must use this technology in our batch systems and are prepared to "take a hit" in performance to save potential support costs that arise in the event of failure. In this article, of course, we define cost purely in performance terms: time and resources. We also assume that DML error logging will "cost" us something (nothing is for free) and we shall see if this is the case below.
setup: sample data
For our performance tests we will create a source and target table. The source table will be loaded with approximately 50,000 records. The target table will have various check constraints to make data violations simple to manufacture. Our test tables are created as follows.
SQL> CREATE TABLE src 2 NOLOGGING 3 AS 4 SELECT ROWNUM AS n1 5 , created AS d1 6 , 'X' AS v1 7 , RPAD('x',100) AS v2 8 FROM dba_objects;
Table created.
COUNT(*) ---------- 50332 1 row selected.
SQL> CREATE TABLE tgt 2 ( n1 NUMBER NOT NULL 3 , d1 DATE CHECK (EXTRACT(YEAR FROM d1) > 2004) 4 , v1 CHAR(1) CHECK (v1 IN ('X','Y')) 5 , v2 CHAR(100) 6 );
Table created.
We will need an error log table (required for DML error logging), which is created via the DBMS_ERRLOG package as follows.
SQL> BEGIN 2 DBMS_ERRLOG.CREATE_ERROR_LOG( 3 dml_table_name => 'TGT', 4 err_log_table_name => 'TGT_EXCEPTIONS' 5 ); 6 END; 7 /
PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
invocation costs: conventional path
To begin, we will compare two completely successful INSERT..SELECT statements; the latter with DML error logging enabled. We'll simply use the "wall-clock" to compare the runtimes. Note that none of our test data is currently in violation of any of the constraints on the target table. We'll start with conventional path insert.
50332 rows created. Elapsed: 00:00:00.23
SQL> INSERT INTO tgt 2 SELECT * 3 FROM src 4 LOG ERRORS INTO tgt_exceptions;
50332 rows created. Elapsed: 00:00:01.09
We can see immediately that simply including DML error logging in our DML statement increases the runtime by a factor of four. This is despite the fact that none of our data was re-directed to the error log table. Running the examples under SQL trace provides no clues for why this might be. We can probably conclude that this must be a cost incurred by the kernel code used to implement this feature.
We can look further at this "factor of four" using a larger dataset. In the following example, we scale up our source data to ten times its original volume and repeat the test. This time we will use Tom Kyte's RUNSTATS utility to report the differences in the resource costs between the two statements.
SQL> exec runstats_pkg.rs_start();
PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
503320 rows created.
SQL> exec runstats_pkg.rs_middle();
PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
SQL> INSERT INTO tgt 2 SELECT src.* 3 FROM src, (SELECT NULL FROM dual CONNECT BY ROWNUM <= 10) multi 4 LOG ERRORS INTO tgt_exceptions;
503320 rows created.
SQL> exec runstats_pkg.rs_stop(1000);
Run1 ran in 1190 hsecs Run2 ran in 3522 hsecs Run1 ran in 33.79% of the time Name Run1 Run2 Diff LATCH.undo global data 8,652 9,663 1,011 STAT..user I/O wait time 34 1,199 1,165 STAT..table scan rows gotten 54,855 56,060 1,205 STAT..physical read IO request 1 1,232 1,231 STAT..physical reads 1 1,232 1,231 STAT..physical reads cache 1 1,232 1,231 STAT..physical read total IO r 22 1,358 1,336 LATCH.enqueues 439 1,856 1,417 LATCH.enqueue hash chains 469 1,992 1,523 STAT..DB time 1,205 3,521 2,316 LATCH.row cache objects 893 3,211 2,318 STAT..consistent gets 17,715 14,237 -3,478 STAT..consistent gets from cac 17,715 14,237 -3,478 STAT..redo ordering marks 252 4,099 3,847 STAT..buffer is not pinned cou 158 4,272 4,114 work - consistent rea 1,004 5,383 4,379 STAT..table scan blocks gotten 966 5,379 4,413 STAT..calls to kcmgas 272 4,781 4,509 buffer requested 268 5,998 5,730 buffer inspected 128 7,415 7,287 STAT..calls to get snapshot sc 8,328 613 -7,715 buffers moved to hea 12 9,563 9,551 LATCH.checkpoint queue latch 9,464 20,325 10,861 LATCH.simulator lru latch 11,124 52,138 41,014 LATCH.simulator hash latch 11,188 53,606 42,418 LATCH.object queue header oper 16,576 59,074 42,498 LATCH.cache buffers lru chain 17,446 63,753 46,307 STAT..session pga memory -262,144 0 262,144 STAT..session logical reads 80,503 577,836 497,333 STAT..db block gets 62,788 563,599 500,811 STAT..db block gets from cache 62,788 563,599 500,811 STAT..redo entries 36,485 537,305 500,820 STAT..db block changes 52,602 1,044,963 992,361 LATCH.cache buffers chains 338,003 2,962,511 2,624,508 STAT..physical read bytes 8,192 10,092,544 10,084,352 STAT..physical read total byte 335,872 12,058,624 11,722,752 STAT..physical write total byt 5,398,528 32,391,168 26,992,640 STAT..undo change vector size 1,995,448 32,153,796 30,158,348 STAT..redo size 67,750,528 181,772,212 114,021,684 Run1 latches total versus run2 -- difference and pct Run1 Run2 Diff Pct 420,331 3,239,481 2,819,150 12.98% PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
This time we can see the costs that are incurred simply by invoking DML error logging. The logged statement took three times longer to run, used ten times more latches and generated three times more redo. It is this last statistic that is most alarming. This increase in volume is what we would see if we turned bulk inserts into row-by-row inserts. In fact, a number of STAT statistics with the largest differences show similarities with row-by-row insert costs. The following example highlights this, where we compare DML error logging to row-by-row PL/SQL processing.
SQL> exec runstats_pkg.rs_start();
PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
SQL> INSERT INTO tgt 2 SELECT src.* 3 FROM src, (SELECT NULL FROM dual CONNECT BY ROWNUM <= 10) multi 4 LOG ERRORS INTO tgt_exceptions;
503320 rows created.
SQL> exec runstats_pkg.rs_middle();
PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
Session altered.
PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
SQL> exec runstats_pkg.rs_stop(1000);
Run1 ran in 4354 hsecs Run2 ran in 6799 hsecs Run1 ran in 64.04% of the time Name Run1 Run2 Diff STAT..consistent gets 9,396 10,435 1,039 STAT..consistent gets from cac 9,396 10,435 1,039 STAT..redo entries 536,928 538,013 1,085 STAT..user I/O wait time 1,868 688 -1,180 STAT..db block changes 1,044,494 1,045,733 1,239 LATCH.undo global data 8,672 9,990 1,318 LATCH.enqueue hash chains 1,358 2,796 1,438 LATCH.enqueues 1,296 2,856 1,560 LATCH.messages 2,392 4,079 1,687 LATCH.checkpoint queue latch 20,371 22,295 1,924 LATCH.row cache objects 1,073 3,198 2,125 STAT..DB time 4,342 6,812 2,470 STAT..db block gets 562,261 564,936 2,675 STAT..db block gets from cache 562,261 564,936 2,675 LATCH.session allocation 793 3,627 2,834 buffer requested 8,693 5,766 -2,927 STAT..physical reads 4,598 1,665 -2,933 STAT..physical reads cache 4,598 1,665 -2,933 buffers moved to hea 2,992 1 -2,991 STAT..physical read IO request 4,598 1,038 -3,560 STAT..physical read total IO r 4,598 1,038 -3,560 STAT..session logical reads 571,657 575,371 3,714 STAT..CPU used when call start 1,122 5,446 4,324 STAT..CPU used by this session 1,118 5,446 4,328 STAT..recursive cpu usage 1 4,356 4,355 LATCH.cache buffers lru chain 55,983 51,094 -4,889 LATCH.object queue header oper 60,524 54,899 -5,625 buffer inspected 10,712 4,251 -6,461 STAT..undo change vector size 32,147,080 32,157,192 10,112 STAT..table scan rows gotten 50,512 61,008 10,496 LATCH.cache buffers chains 2,970,511 2,944,162 -26,349 STAT..session uga memory max 65,464 0 -65,464 STAT..session pga memory max 65,536 0 -65,536 STAT..redo size 181,734,580 181,836,844 102,264 STAT..session pga memory -393,216 -196,608 196,608 LATCH.shared pool 2,055 503,833 501,778 STAT..execute count 27 503,535 503,508 LATCH.library cache 2,168 1,008,287 1,006,119 LATCH.library cache pin 1,023 1,007,788 1,006,765 STAT..recursive calls 940 1,009,228 1,008,288 STAT..physical read bytes 37,666,816 13,639,680 -24,027,136 STAT..physical read total byte 37,666,816 13,639,680 -24,027,136 Run1 latches total versus run2 -- difference and pct Run1 Run2 Diff Pct 3,236,553 5,729,111 2,492,558 56.49% PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
We can see a similar statistics profile between DML error logging and row-by-row processing, especially with redo size, although row-based processing is still significantly slower. It has long been a fact that n rows inserted in bulk will generate less redo that n rows inserted one-by-one. With DML error logging enabled, it appears as though we lose this bulk SQL benefit.
invocation costs: direct path
Continuing with error-free inserts, we can now look at a direct path load. One of the key restrictions of DML error logging is that it does not support unique constraint violations in direct path inserts. This is a critical restriction and one that will deter many developers from using the feature. We've seen above that conventional path DML error logging is comparatively "slow". In the following example, we will compare direct path inserts at higher volumes with and without DML error logging.
SQL> exec runstats_pkg.rs_start();
PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
SQL> INSERT /*+ APPEND */ INTO tgt 2 SELECT src.* 3 FROM src, (SELECT NULL FROM dual CONNECT BY ROWNUM <= 10) multi;
503320 rows created.
Commit complete.
SQL> exec runstats_pkg.rs_middle();
PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
SQL> INSERT /*+ APPEND */ INTO tgt 2 SELECT src.* 3 FROM src, (SELECT NULL FROM dual CONNECT BY ROWNUM <= 10) multi 4 LOG ERRORS INTO tgt_exceptions;
503320 rows created.
Commit complete.
SQL> exec runstats_pkg.rs_stop(1000);
Run1 ran in 292 hsecs Run2 ran in 267 hsecs Run1 ran in 109.36% of the time Name Run1 Run2 Diff STAT..redo size 55,412 52,200 -3,212 STAT..session pga memory -65,536 0 65,536 Run1 latches total versus run2 -- difference and pct Run1 Run2 Diff Pct 14,649 14,440 -209 101.45% PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
In direct path mode, we see little difference in time or resource usage and, in this example, DML error logging is actually faster. Repeated executions of this example shows the timings and resource costs to be roughly equivalent for both statements. If the unique constraint restriction (or indeed any of the few restrictions) is irrelevant to our requirements, then direct path DML error logging appears to be a viable solution.
error logging costs
So far we have seen the performance characteristics of DML error logging without any errors. We can now move on to examine the costs of DML error logging when we actually have some exceptions. We will return to the original volume of 50,000 records and run a series of failed inserts as follows:
- invalid datatype;
- invalid date (check constraint violation);
- invalid value (check constraint violation);
- not null violation; and
- invalid data length.
error costs: conventional path
To measure the cost of DML error logging at its most extreme, we will make every record an exception and set a reject limit of unlimited. We will begin with conventional path inserts.
SQL> set timing on SQL> INSERT INTO tgt 2 SELECT 'not a number' 3 , d1 4 , v1 5 , v2 6 FROM src 7 LOG ERRORS INTO tgt_exceptions ('INVALID DATATYPE') 8 REJECT LIMIT UNLIMITED;
0 rows created. Elapsed: 00:03:12.25
SQL> INSERT INTO tgt 2 SELECT n1 3 , DATE '2004-01-01' 4 , v1 5 , v2 6 FROM src 7 LOG ERRORS INTO tgt_exceptions ('INVALID DATE') 8 REJECT LIMIT UNLIMITED;
0 rows created. Elapsed: 00:02:40.70
SQL> INSERT INTO tgt 2 SELECT n1 3 , d1 4 , 'a' 5 , v2 6 FROM src 7 LOG ERRORS INTO tgt_exceptions ('INVALID VALUE') 8 REJECT LIMIT UNLIMITED;
0 rows created. Elapsed: 00:02:43.50
0 rows created. Elapsed: 00:02:35.46
SQL> INSERT INTO tgt 2 SELECT n1 3 , d1 4 , v1 5 , RPAD(v2,200) 6 FROM src 7 LOG ERRORS INTO tgt_exceptions ('INVALID DATA LENGTH') 8 REJECT LIMIT UNLIMITED;
0 rows created. Elapsed: 00:01:48.01
We can see that no rows were inserted into our target table. We can check the error log table as follows.
SQL> SELECT ora_err_tag$ 2 , COUNT(*) 3 FROM tgt_exceptions 4 GROUP BY 5 ora_err_tag$;
ORA_ERR_TAG$ COUNT(*) ------------------------------ ---------- INVALID DATA LENGTH 50332 INVALID DATATYPE 50332 NOT NULL VIOLATION 50332 INVALID VALUE 50332 INVALID DATE 50332 5 rows selected.
It is immediately apparent that DML error logging is "costly". With every row raising an exception, the load times have increased from sub-second to approximately 2-3 minutes. DML error logging writes to the error log table in an autonomous transaction so the error data persists even if we rollback a failed insert. We can see how Oracle loads the error log table from a SQL trace file as follows.
******************************************************************************** INSERT INTO tgt SELECT 'not a number' , d1 , v1 , v2 FROM src LOG ERRORS INTO tgt_exceptions ('INVALID DATATYPE') REJECT LIMIT UNLIMITED call count cpu elapsed disk query current rows ------- ------ -------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- Parse 1 0.01 0.02 1 82 0 0 Execute 1 232.85 234.71 0 50337 50332 0 Fetch 0 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 ------- ------ -------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- total 2 232.87 234.73 1 50419 50332 0 Misses in library cache during parse: 1 ******************************************************************************** INSERT INTO TGT_EXCEPTIONS (ORA_ERR_NUMBER$, ORA_ERR_MESG$, ORA_ERR_ROWID$, ORA_ERR_OPTYP$, ORA_ERR_TAG$, N1, D1, V1, V2) VALUES (:1, :2, :3, :4, :5, :6, :7, :8, :9) call count cpu elapsed disk query current rows ------- ------ -------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- Parse 1 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 Execute 50332 6.35 6.76 13 83 106119 50332 Fetch 0 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 ------- ------ -------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- total 50333 6.35 6.76 13 83 106119 50332 Misses in library cache during parse: 1 Misses in library cache during execute: 1 ********************************************************************************
The first statement is our insert and the second SQL statement is generated by Oracle to write to the error log table. The execute count for the generated statement tells us that all writes to the exceptions table are singletons and that there is no optimisation by Oracle to buffer these. This proves quite costly but this is only a fraction of the time spent on the statement overall. The performance issue must lie elsewhere.
error costs: direct path
To complete our examination of the general costs of error logging, we will re-run the slowest of the previous examples in direct path, as follows. This was the invalid datatype example, which took over 3 minutes to attempt an insert of 50,000 records in conventional path.
SQL> set timing on SQL> INSERT /*+ APPEND */ INTO tgt 2 SELECT 'not a number' 3 , d1 4 , v1 5 , v2 6 FROM src 7 LOG ERRORS INTO tgt_exceptions ('INVALID DATATYPE') 8 REJECT LIMIT UNLIMITED;
0 rows created. Elapsed: 00:02:01.35
In direct path, our DML error log insert is still relatively slow, but significantly less so than conventional path. Errors are written to the error log table in the same manner, but this time we see something new in the SQL trace output.
******************************************************************************** INSERT /*+ APPEND */ INTO tgt SELECT 'not a number' , d1 , v1 , v2 FROM src LOG ERRORS INTO tgt_exceptions ('INVALID DATATYPE') REJECT LIMIT UNLIMITED call count cpu elapsed disk query current rows ------- ------ -------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- Parse 1 0.00 0.00 0 82 0 0 Execute 1 118.95 119.24 0 856 50333 0 Fetch 0 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 ------- ------ -------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- total 2 118.95 119.25 0 938 50333 0 Misses in library cache during parse: 1 Optimizer mode: ALL_ROWS Parsing user id: 54 Rows Row Source Operation ------- --------------------------------------------------- 0 LOAD AS SELECT (cr=964 pr=0 pw=0 time=122658230 us) 50332 ERROR LOGGING (cr=24142121 pr=0 pw=0 time=3086272860618 us) 50332 TABLE ACCESS FULL SRC (cr=856 pr=0 pw=0 time=201389 us)
The execution plan above shows a new step (highlighted in bold) which indicates where the time is being spent. What Oracle is actually doing, of course, is open to suggestion but we can see that the LIO is very high for a small table with no indexes. Note that this step does not appear in the trace file for the equivalent conventional path insert.
forall comparison
We can now move on to compare DML error logging with its nearest "relative", the FORALL SAVE EXCEPTIONS construct (introduced in Oracle 9i). FORALL SAVE EXCEPTIONS is a slightly different technology to DML error logging, but it is functionally equivalent in that it enables us to continue a data load despite the presence of erroneous data. Apart from the fact that DML error logging is SQL and FORALL is PL/SQL, the main ways in which they differ are listed as follows.
- DML error logging is available in both SQL and PL/SQL;
- DML error logging requires very little additional code;
- DML error logging provides additional metadata about errors; and
- DML error logging has transactional autonomy from the "parent" DML.
In the interest of making the performance comparison as fair as possible (given the above differences), we will make the FORALL SAVE EXCEPTIONS example behave as closely to DML error logging as possible. This will require additional coding on our part, but will enable us to compare the additional resource costs that come with the benefits (such as persistent error data and metadata).
forall comparison: sample data
For the following examples, we will manufacture some invalid data in roughly 10% of our source records. The invalid data will fail the check constraints on our target table, with the errors being distributed evenly.
SQL> UPDATE src 2 SET n1 = CASE MOD(ROWNUM,3) 3 WHEN 0 4 THEN NULL --<-- fail the not null constraint 5 ELSE n1 6 END 7 , d1 = CASE MOD(ROWNUM,3) 8 WHEN 1 9 THEN DATE '2004-01-01' --<-- fail the date check 10 ELSE d1 11 END 12 , v1 = CASE MOD(ROWNUM,3) 13 WHEN 2 14 THEN 'Z' --<-- fail 'X','Y' valid values 15 ELSE v1 16 END 17 WHERE MOD(n1,10) = 0;
5033 rows updated.
Commit complete.
forall comparison: dml error logging example
We will start by running an insert with DML error logging enabled.
SQL> exec runstats_pkg.rs_start();
PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
SQL> exec runstats_pkg.rs_start();
PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
46977 rows created.
Commit complete.
forall comparison: forall save exceptions example
Now we can run the FORALL SAVE EXCEPTIONS version. Note that to use FORALL in a sensible way with large volumes of data, we need to LIMIT it. This requires us to include additional code elements, such as an explicit cursor, loop and exit check. We will use 100 as a limit size as this is Oracle's built-in array size for PL/SQL optimization in 10g.
Given this, we can now run through a cycle of fetch->insert->load exceptions in much the same manner as DML error logging, but using FORALL SAVE EXCEPTIONS.
SQL> exec runstats_pkg.rs_middle();
PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
SQL> DECLARE 2 3 /* 4 * Source data cursor and associative array type. Needed to 5 * enable LIMIT-based fetching... 6 */ 7 CURSOR cur IS 8 SELECT * 9 FROM src; 10 11 TYPE aat IS TABLE OF cur%ROWTYPE 12 INDEX BY PLS_INTEGER; 13 aa aat; 14 15 n PLS_INTEGER := 0; 16 17 /* "Exceptions encountered in FORALL" exception... */ 18 bulk_exceptions EXCEPTION; 19 PRAGMA EXCEPTION_INIT ( bulk_exceptions, -24381 ); 20 21 /* FORALL error-logging... */ 22 PROCEDURE error_logging IS 23 24 /* Associative array type of the exceptions table... */ 25 TYPE aat_exception IS TABLE OF tgt_exceptions%ROWTYPE 26 INDEX BY PLS_INTEGER; 27 aa_exceptions aat_exception; 28 29 v_indx PLS_INTEGER; 30 31 /* Emulate DML error logging behaviour... */ 32 PRAGMA AUTONOMOUS_TRANSACTION; 33 34 BEGIN 35 36 FOR i IN 1 .. SQL%BULK_EXCEPTIONS.COUNT LOOP 37 38 v_indx := SQL%BULK_EXCEPTIONS(i).ERROR_INDEX; 39 40 /* Populate as many values as available... */ 41 aa_exceptions(i).ora_err_number$ := SQL%BULK_EXCEPTIONS(i).ERROR_CODE; 42 aa_exceptions(i).ora_err_mesg$ := SQLERRM( SQL%BULK_EXCEPTIONS(i).ERROR_CODE * -1 ); 43 aa_exceptions(i).ora_err_tag$ := 'FORALL ERROR LOGGING'; 44 aa_exceptions(i).ora_err_optyp$ := 'I'; 45 aa_exceptions(i).n1 := aa( v_indx ).n1; 46 aa_exceptions(i).d1 := aa( v_indx ).d1; 47 aa_exceptions(i).v1 := aa( v_indx ).v1; 48 aa_exceptions(i).v2 := aa( v_indx ).v2; 49 50 END LOOP; 51 52 /* Load the exceptions into the exceptions table... */ 53 FORALL i IN INDICES OF aa_exceptions 54 INSERT INTO tgt_exceptions 55 VALUES aa_exceptions(i); 56 57 COMMIT; 58 59 END error_logging; 60 61 BEGIN 62 63 OPEN cur; 64 LOOP 65 66 FETCH cur BULK COLLECT INTO aa LIMIT 100; 67 EXIT WHEN aa.COUNT = 0; 68 69 BEGIN 70 FORALL i IN INDICES OF aa SAVE EXCEPTIONS 71 INSERT INTO tgt VALUES aa(i); 72 EXCEPTION 73 WHEN bulk_exceptions THEN 74 n := n + SQL%ROWCOUNT; 75 error_logging(); 76 END; 77 78 END LOOP; 79 CLOSE cur; 80 81 DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE( n || ' rows inserted.' ); 82 83 END; 84 /
46977 rows inserted. PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
What is immediately apparent from the above example is how much code we need to write. To make this re-usable, we'd probably write a code-generator or a central exception handler for bulk exceptions from FORALL. The exception loading is this example in a forward-declared procedure to make it easier to follow the main executable section. It is also an autonomous transaction to emulate DML error logging, which commits the invalid data even if the main DML is rolled back.
forall comparison: runstats output
Both examples loaded the same number of records. We can compare the timings and resource costs by completing the snapshots and reporting large differences as follows. Note that the tests were run from a test harness so that the three runstats snapshots were executed without delay. The snapshots do not materially affect the runtimes.
SQL> exec runstats_pkg.rs_stop(5000);
Run1 ran in 759 hsecs Run2 ran in 1138 hsecs Run1 ran in 66.7% of the time Name Run1 Run2 Diff LATCH.dml lock allocation 6,824 1,079 -5,745 STAT..enqueue requests 6,998 1,186 -5,812 STAT..enqueue releases 6,998 1,184 -5,814 LATCH.undo global data 11,075 3,429 -7,646 LATCH.row cache objects 11,110 636 -10,474 LATCH.enqueue hash chains 14,085 2,570 -11,515 STAT..table scan rows gotten 57,626 77,866 20,240 STAT..physical read bytes 32,768 0 -32,768 STAT..physical read total byte 32,768 0 -32,768 STAT..buffer is pinned count 49,435 0 -49,435 STAT..redo entries 65,551 7,429 -58,122 STAT..session logical reads 103,906 41,650 -62,256 STAT..db block gets 84,768 21,171 -63,597 STAT..db block gets from cache 84,768 21,171 -63,597 STAT..db block changes 126,794 15,225 -111,569 LATCH.cache buffers chains 392,366 100,002 -292,364 STAT..session pga memory 0 393,216 393,216 STAT..IMU undo allocation size 52 734,680 734,628 STAT..IMU Redo allocation size 208 809,632 809,424 STAT..undo change vector size 3,662,408 460,448 -3,201,960 STAT..redo size 20,762,952 7,936,224 -12,826,728 Run1 latches total versus run2 -- difference and pct Run1 Run2 Diff Pct 507,730 179,216 -328,514 283.31% PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
We can see from this output is that the bulk SQL solution was over 30% faster than the PL/SQL solution (most readers will not be surprised by this) yet it generated nearly 3 times the volume of redo and nearly 3 times the number of latches. Remember this was at a volume of 50,000 records with 10% "bad data" and that the FORALL example was deliberately coded to emulate DML error logging.
forall comparison: error log data
Finally, we can look at the error log data to show that similar information was recorded by both methods, though some metadata is unavailable in the FORALL implementation. We will use Tom Kyte's print_table procedure for convenience.
SQL> BEGIN 2 print_table( q'[SELECT * FROM tgt_exceptions WHERE ora_err_tag$ LIKE 'DML%' AND ROWNUM = 1]' ); 3 print_table( q'[SELECT * FROM tgt_exceptions WHERE ora_err_tag$ LIKE 'FOR%' AND ROWNUM = 1]' ); 4 END; 5 /
ORA_ERR_NUMBER$ : 2290 ORA_ERR_MESG$ : ORA-02290: check constraint (SCOTT.SYS_C005451) violated ORA_ERR_ROWID$ : ORA_ERR_OPTYP$ : I ORA_ERR_TAG$ : DML ERROR LOGGING N1 : 4050 D1 : 01-JAN-04 V1 : X V2 : x ----------------- ORA_ERR_NUMBER$ : 2290 ORA_ERR_MESG$ : ORA-02290: check constraint (.) violated ORA_ERR_ROWID$ : ORA_ERR_OPTYP$ : I ORA_ERR_TAG$ : FORALL ERROR LOGGING N1 : 10 D1 : 30-AUG-05 V1 : Z V2 : x ----------------- PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
further reading
To read more on the DML error logging clause, including more information on its restrictions, see the Administrator's Guide. For a general overview of the DML error logging feature, read this article. A variation on Tom Kyte's RUNSTATS utility used in this article can be downloaded from here.
source code
The source code for the examples in this article can be downloaded from here.
Adrian Billington, August 2005
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